You know we can think how important we are and just how much the world needs us but then we get a timely reality check that puts us in our rightful place.
I had one of those reality checks yesterday. Here I am going to UNHCR meetings, helping to organise better ways of helping urban refugees, being a tutor for three young Pakistanis doing their ACU course and then, in the midst of all this important activity, a Pakistani woman comes unannounced to my office. Really, they can't be expected to make appointments but nevertheless I am just too busy for this intrusion which I so readily identify as yet another request for financial assistance.
So what do I do? I jump straight in so as to save time and start to explain to her about available help and what is possible. I must say I did so politely. But then she stopped me and said - Father, I don't want money. My husband is in prison. Then she just cried.
My first thought was - I just stuffed this one. This was my reality check. I might be Fr John from whom ones seek for assistance or whom colleagues in refugee work call on, but you know what? I must never lose sight of what really matters in the midst of however much activity and seemingly important tasks I am involved in.
The other message is that I need a day off for my good and the good of those I help and work with. So that is what I am about to do. Take a day off. Wish me well in this most important task.
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