We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

The lessons of a workshop or two

I have spent three days this week at workshops.  One was on human rights and development, while the other was on migrants in ASEAN.  A common theme in both is how the theory and the ideal do not match up with the reality.  There is a real disconnect.  Yes, we hold to human rights but ...  Yes, there are policies and principles to follow but ....  I guess that is nothing specific to Southeast Asia.  It just speaks of humanity. 

My other highlight of the week has been my annual medical check-up for renewing my work permit.  It is a Thai government requirement and so you do it but it is the biggest waste of money and time.  You are tested for tertiary syphillis and passed as not having"leprosy, elephantitis, mental retardation, alcoholism or drug addiction".  When the doctor sees you, not a word is spoken.  She just does the blood pressure and the stethoscope thing.  The only sense I make of it is that it is a local money spinner and a bureaucratic requirement that helps keep you in your place.  If one did not approach it with a sense of humour, one could get quite phased by it all as it is rather prejudicial against one's standing as a decent human being.  Yes, I had a medical check-up but ... 

I guess this is one theme of life generally.  We have systems to make the workplace efficient and effective and present it as such  but ....  Our family, our community is happy and looks after each other but ... We have principles in our life but ...  I live in a culture which has a strong focus on presenting well but I experience and know the reality.  It does fall short of the 'picture perfect' image it wants to present.  We so often fall short.  Still this is no excuse for bad behaviour, unjust systems, ineffective practices, needless suffering.  They may continue but we keep striving and doing our bit, working to make that ideal we vision and so eagerly want to present our reality. 

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