We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013


During the past week, trust has definitely been my chosen and purposely, internally reinforced theme for the sake of my own survival as yet again I have faced my annual visa renewal stresses.  What was it this year? 

Well, I get my visa and work permit through a Foundation.  This means that my papers are first sent to the Ministry of Social Development where they are inspected so that a letter of approval can be issued for me to get my visa to stay in Thailand.  Being aware that my visa expires next week, I have been waiting and waiting to get this letter so that I can then go to Immigration.  Why, I have been asking, was it taking so long for a one page, form letter to arrive? 

The official answer was that the Director of this Ministry has a mountain of such applications which require his attention as only he can sign any letter of approval.  For me, this is all part of the bureaucratic nightmare that is the Thai government.  You might need to get your visa and it might be about to expire but no one cares or rushes as you just have to stand back and allow the required government process take its time and be followed.  Nothing will take it off track or rush it.  There is absolutely nothing you can do when faced with the reality of Thai bureaucracy.  You feel stressed out and worry. Knowing that won't achieve anything, you try to cut out the stress but it remains.  All you can do is trust. 

And you know what?  In the end, trust did work.  Thai bureaucracy might be a nightmare but it is a nightmare for everyone - Thai and foreigner.  What worked for me as for all of us in this situation is the other side of the reality.  Namely, it was the good people who are my friends and work for me who helped me make it through to the other side and get all the paper work done (and there is a mountain of it) so that I could renew my visa just in time. 

I must remember the lesson of this week.  Trust does work because of faith in a good end and because of good people in your life who help you get there.  So 'trust and be' is the way to go.  The picture says it all - just be who you are and trust in the way ahead and that it will all work out okay.  What better choice is there?   

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