We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

It all looks good

This is what greeted my week following my annual nightmare of dealing with Thai bureaucracy in getting my yearly visa and work permit.  As I was waiting at the front of the cathedral to begin 10 o'clock mass that I saw right in front of me this wonderful display of roses, sitting at the foot of the statue of JPII which stands right outside the cathedral. It was such a delight.  I would name their appearance as my natural turning around point after a stressful previous week. 

The roses here are so beautiful and bountiful and can be used so readily as they are so cheap in Thailand.  So roses, and mountains of them, are often used to adorn the sanctuary of the cathedral.  It is quite a sight. 

Displays of roses at the cathedral speak of life in Thailand where image and presentation are all important.  The presentation may always be 100% but this may not necessarily reflect the reality. 

During the week, I had a discussion with a younger and senior staff member where I work at Caritas Thailand.  I was talking with him about a ceratin, unhealthy managment practice at our workplace.  He responded to my criticism with anger.  I was shocked and was asking myself - Where was this response coming from? 

It came from what he heard and what he heard was not a criticism of a work practice but a criticism of "Thai culutre" as this was happening in Thailand and the criticism was coming from an outsider.  Well, this encounter led to what I hope was an educational discussion on culture. 

I proceeded to share how each culture has good and bad and how no one culture is 100% perfect.  In our coming together, we can learn from each other's culture and we all have a lot to learn.  So there is no need to be defensive.  Rather open our minds to the other and to the bigger picture.  I also sincerely shared that I talked at this level with him as I see great promise in him and he can do so much in life.  As I see it, to move forward he just needs to open up to the other and see other possibilities in life and not be held back by the prison like construct of his own particular culture which they see as needing defending against all comers. 

That is the weakness here of their culture.  They are rightly proud of who they are and what they have but they seem to have the need to defend what the call "Thai culture", seemingly labelling their way as the only way and the perfect way.  This then acts to close them off from learning from others, other cultures and even others' mistakes.  There is something impressive about their stance but it is unwise and counterproductive, as it stops them taking the next step in meeting the other and learning from the outside world. 

We may like to look good but that doesn't tell the whole picture. 

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