We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Life has a trickle down effect

Do you know where you're going to?
Two friends are in touch this week from different parts of the world.  Both are mums facing the trials of caring for their families in times of need and both are wondering where it is all going and how they are doing.  Both ever helping their now adult children and, while it doesn't get any easier for them, they continue their efforts to look after them, even if their children are now 40 or beyond.  

The number of urban refugees in Bangkok is becoming overwhelming.  The refugee centre is looking more like a refugee camp.  The services being provided are under great pressure and there just isn't enough help to go around.  Still we keep going, trying to help and doing what we can. 

My dealings at the workplace this week tell me that there are great issues undealt with and they will remain undealt with.  Yet I am still here. 

None of this has anything to do with this week's picture which shows a street protest march in the centre of Bangkok.  I am surrounded by the protests, the talk they stir up and the effects they produce.  I can only expound my theories on what this is really about.  I have my views which become part of daily conversations with my friends.  You can't predict what will happen next and where this will all end up.  Life just goes on in Bangkok as do  the protests. 

This week my sharing seems disconnected.  Maybe that is because that is my experience of life at the moment.  I can't really offer any great answers and do feel a sense of being disconnected with all that is going on around me.  Maybe it is more a sense of inability to act as I would like on my little part of the world.  I just try to deal with my lot in life as I can, recognising that what I do has great importance for me as it reflects who I am or whom I say I am.  That is life maybe for all of us.  We stay on the journey in faith, remaining committed to who we are and just keeping going as best we can.  Maybe at times, we need to venture out a bit more, take an extra risk or two or walk that extra step or take that different turn.   

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