We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Friday, January 17, 2014

This is a way to achieve change?

Monday of this week was named as the start of Shutdown Bangkok which is about anti-government protestors taking over the streets of Bangkok.  This is their chosen way of reaching their goal of having the PM resign and hand over power to an appointed People's Council.  This would seemingly be serious business but what I see in the streets of Bangkok is not at all serious stuff. 

People seem to be having fun and enjoying the protests, dressing up for the occasion and approaching it in true style in the height of fashion.  The free t-shirts are being handed out and protest souvenirs are readily available.  Then I saw two young Thai females being driven along the protest boulevard on the back of a black BMW convertible, as one would. 

As the whole political world blows up again in Thailand, there seems to be no plan or policy or strategy being put forward by any side, with a complete dearth of leadership.  One great outcome is that my busy street shopping area - Silom - has been turned into a street mall.  This picture shows what is the major thoroughfare now turned into a most welcome walking street for shopping and strolling.  One could almost be thankful for the protests. 

There are huge problems here.  Corruption is over the top.  That is obvious.  Even in protesting, what is seen is how people here don't face up to issues.  So they just get worse and are never resolved.  I experienced this same avoidance behaviour on my local level at work this week.  This is nothing new for me but it still takes the stuffing out of me as I am trying to build the show up working on management and organisation. 

I know we have a major, ongoing issue to be faced for the good operation of the workplace.  In conversation on another matter at work, I accidentally discovered how the big boss yet again acted independently against good management by conspiring instead of confronting up front.  There was his secret phone call, asking one of the staff to act on a matter against another member of staff.  Such behaviour causes ill will and division and will never deal with issues.  Issues need to be faced but they never are.  Instead ones remain upset at the ongoing negative results, while never making any hard decisions for positive change but acting behind people's backs or around them.  Such is not the way to go and is just demoralising.  When you conspire instead of confront, it is no wonder Thai politics are in such a mess. 

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