We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Democracy, Thai style

Well, we all read about democracy in Thailand and how it is failing the country.  That is true.  My take is that it fails because it is blatantly run by vested interests using the front of their being about the good of the people. 

If I ever wonder why democracy fails at the national level here, I don't have to look any further than my everyday experience of my workplace where I see how issues are managed at the micro level.

The present issue facing management is the question of whether a staff member acted dishonestly.  As a manger, I talked with the staff member in question and made a judgement that what was needed was an audit of the particular office's books and management.  We would then act on what would be found in any audit. 

Then in comes Thai management in the office and the decision is that all staff invloved in this issue will vote on whether the named staff member will be sacked or not.  My advice is that this is the decision of the employer and to put such an issue to an open ballot is unfair and unjust.  Rather what is needed is good and due process.  My voice is not heard and the vote goes on.  I decide to vote so as to make sure my voice is heard on this issue where there is justice at play for the employee. 

As I reflect on what has happened, I can put the two levels of Thailand together.  As they fail to act at the macro level, so they fail to act at the micro level.  One level reflects the other and helps me understand even further why there are ingrained dysfunctions in the workings of the system here.  I see a lack of a due process that acts for the good of all.  Rather the process in place favours one part over another of the whole population or put in another way - it does not give a voice to all who are part of the whole.  And we all deserve a voice. 

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