We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

It was never about democracy

At the weekend, I talked about my work issue of last week with a trusted and good friend who knows here very well.  He put a take on the whole scene that makes sense in this culture.  Ultimately, he says, the big boss is looking for a way out and so passes the buck.  He does want the staff member to go but he can't do it himself.  Why?  This person may be connected, being taken on under the boss' patronage.  So he can't just get rid of him as he would lose face. 

So we had the vote on what action - go or stay - but I have heard nothing since about the result or anything else.  That is not unusual about here.  Things go on and on and you never get a resolution.  So matters escalate and just go on and on.   

Once again, this is reflected at the national level.  This week saw martial law declared by the military at 3am Tuesday.  Under the Constitution, the military have this power.  The Army Chief clearly stated that this was not a coup and that the Constitution and interim government remain intact. 

Nationally, matters were getting out of control.  The mobs seemed to be ruling the show with anarchy rather than any good governance ruling the order of the day.  One could easily assume that this was allowed to develop by some very powerful players to suit their own purposes.  Then something had to happen but what happened does not necessarily and finally face or resolve the issues.  Rather they just keep going on and on but in different ways. 

If a picture tells the story, then this picture says it all.  Fashion and presentation above anything else. 

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