This week saw my annual bureaucratic nightmare as I renewed my visa and work permit which I have to do every 12 months. I go to both Immigration and the Ministry of Labour loaded with the usual round of documents and my usual high level of dread. I approach both offices with trepidation. What is it about this experience that inspires such high levels of anxiety? Why, after eight years, have I never got used to doing this annual chore?
It is that I face head on that other multi-faceted side of the lovely and dignified Thai. The aspect of that other side that I am facing is the bureaucratic Thai. I go along loaded with my documents and ready to follow the guidelines which I think I know but then I am told yet again I am wrong and what follows is a lecture on where I belong in Thailand or a demand to go back to "Go" and start all over again. Then there is the waiting; there is the not knowing what next or where I may have made a mistake. It is all out of my hands and I have to just give myself over to the demands, procedures and rulings of a bureaucrat over whom I have no right of appeal. It can be frightening as I need those stamps to stay here, the place in which I have invested so much and the place which has become my home. This annual event reminds me how little control I have over my destiny here.
I ask yourself yet again - how much longer can I keep doing this? But then there are bigger concerns at play and I keep going. And in the midst of all, Thai advice and philosophy rules the day. Namely, keep a cool heart and don't get angry in the face of whatever you are dealt. And you know what? It works as I then get through it much easier and with a friendly smile and a warm word from the Thai bureaucrat.
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