We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

The Church on the Move

Monday saw my debut as a movie actor.  It will probably be my one and only time to hit the big screen.  I starred as a French missionary priest coming to Thailand with the French brothers who began the local and well known Assumption College.  The brothers came here over 100 years ago and began their good work. 

When I shared my acting news with David, another local ex-pat and friend, he asked the question.  Did the brothers start Assumption College as a school for the wealthy? 

He asked this because Catholic schools in this country are identified with the wealthy and powerful, being places where wealthy families do send their children.  If you just went by the Catholic schools you see in Bangkok, you would judge that the Catholic Church in Thailand is big, powerful and wealthy.  The truth is that the Catholic Church here is very small in number.  As for wealthy, Bangkok Archdiocese includes Catholic families who have huge wealth.  As for powerful, the Church seems to have a standing that goes far beyond its small membership.  What I can say is that this Church is about doing business. 

My answer to David was that I am sure the brothers came here with a true missionary spirit, being dedicated to spreading the faith and establishing the Church.  They would have had poor and humble beginnings, reaching out to the Catholics and the poor people.  They established schools to serve a need.  The history of Assumption College began in 1885 when Fr Emile Colombet, a French missionary priest, established a schhol to serve Thai children who went without an education.  What then happens in time is that their missionary endeavours proved so successful that they attracted the powerful and wealthy, as we see today. 
Assumption College today - such grandeur.
From such humble beginnings we see what we see today.  How we can lose touch with our roots!

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