We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Buddhist Lent

This Friday is the first day of Buddhist Lent which coincides with rainy season.  Unfortunately, we have been experiencing the lack of rain in this part of the world but then it poured last night.  Maybe this was in recognition of Friday.

Buddhist Lent, I read, begins with the full moon in July.  As I experience Buddhism, it is a very practical religion.

Apparently, at the very beginning, Buddha never had a Lent time as he wanted his monks to go out teaching all year round.  Then it was noticed that with monks walking around in the countryside during the rainy season, which is also the time for growing rice, they would cause damage to the new crops in the rice fields. To deal with this problem, Buddha declared Lent during which time monks were to stay in their temples and meditate which also meant that they would not be walking around causing damage to the rice crop.  Now isn't that being practical?  You deal with a very real problem and make a gain out of doing so in another direction.  I love it.  

So what we have here at the same time is the coming together of three important aspects of life in the local setting - Lent, growing rice and rainy season.  As I said, I see Buddhism as being very practical.

When I first came here, I was struck by how one could be a monk for a day or a life time and no matter how long you stayed your contribution and standing were of equal worth.  I thought now there is a message for the Catholic Church.  It made me ask myself the question - to be a priest or religious does every one have to do it forever?  Couldn't some make the commitment on a more temporary basis and their commitment be as every bit valid?

On further reflection, being here, I have come to see and value in a new and real way the worth of volunteers.  You have good people coming from everywhere to help and make a contribution.

I think this is a good place to stop.  Just to say that we can learn so much from each other and learn even more when we step outside our corner of the world.  

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