We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Home is where the heart is

Later in the year, I will be visting the Holy Land and can verify for you then if this sign is for real.  Real or not, it has a relevant message for me here and now.  As my previous entries may hint, there is much happening around me and it struck me that it all centres on where I feel at home. 

I am sometimes asked by someone here, "Where do I come from?"  I find it a strange question as Bangkok is home for me now.  "So why are they asking me," I think on impulse, "as I come from here?"  When I realize what they are asking, I acknowledge to myself that they do not know me so well nor do they know my experience of over nine years here. 

My home is where I live and here is where I live but they do not know this.  Bangkok may be a funny place to call home as it can be so transitory and full of some crazy people but this is where I lay my head at night and walk the earth during the day and choose to do so.

Australia is where my roots lie, my place of origin, the home of my family and very special friends.  It will always be a home for me but for now here is home. 

My great Thai friend may suffer the departure of his good American friend; Thai Immigration may downgrade my visa for now; Thais may be somewhat different and even seem strange to me at times but still none of this changes the bottom line - this is my home for better or worse. 

As anywhere in this world, I find places and people here where I feel so connected, while elsewhere and with some others I feel so disconnected.  I can name the places and people of my week where I feel connected.  They nourish me ready for facing where I feel disconnected.  This is life and thank God that I know where I belong and where I can refind where I belong when I need to.  Home is about belonging, wherever and with whomever that may be.     

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