We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

My age old question

After writing my entry last week, I got thinking.  Was the challenge given to me a timely reminder?  Or was it a power play by a staff member because I am niot paying enough attention to him?  Or was it ....?  I guess who knows and really who cares.  I don't want to become paranoid over it but it does become a good point for reflection. 

In a place like Thailand, you are living in the "Land of the Other Agenda".  When an issue arises, there is always something else at play which is not being presented and it is that that is most important in dealing with what is at hand. 

This fits in with its being the "Land of non-Confrontation".  They just do not want confrontation, always steering away from it.  Those who are willing to face issues head on are generally the more highly educated and sophisticated.  Note, not necessarily the more wealthy. 

What a great personality!
Thais just are not direct.  They do get angry but repress it or divert it.  If my staff member is being direct with me in challenging me, then it is a success story for he knows me well enough and feels comfortable enough with me to talk directly and honestly with me.  That is a real achievement. 

It is about coming out of oneself and letting the world know you are here.  That is difficult for Thais and others.  Their continually standing back has real drawbacks as it means they can be easily stood on and over and that is not right.  So maybe part of having ones like me around is that it helps the locals to come out and tell the world - I am here!  If so, great stuff. 

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