We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Wednesday, December 6, 2017

We never stop learning

Advent Wreath
Well, it is that time of year, the lead up to Christmas, which, for the Church, is the season of Advent, a season of waiting or more poignantly of eager expectation.  The great symbol of Advent is the Advent wreath which has four candles, one for each of the four Sundays of Advent.  So as you go through the Sundays, you light the next candle until only the Christ candle in the centre is left for Christmas Day.  Marvellous!

Then today at mass, I learn from the Monsignor that the symbolism gets even better as the four candles symbolise in turn hope, peace. joy, love.  I never knew that.  How true that you never stop learning.  For some reason, learning this simple insight just blew me away.  Why?

Maybe, it is the world we live in as we so need each of those four values to be alive and flourishing in our midst. 

Yes, I love Christmas.  It has never been just for gifts and shopping but for the spirit, the symbols, the colour, the beauty, the catchy melodies, the joy.  All this I experience at this time of the year.  It is like I can never get enough of it.  Then I ask why can't it be like this all year?  Well, for one thing, the tree and the decorations and the silly music are not there all the time to make us feel good as it all just does not fit for a year round event.  Still maybe we could make them be there all year round so that life feels good the whole year.  That is one way to go. 

There again, that is not being realistic.  It has to be more than feel good.  We have to do good and make good.  Life, like all of us, is a mixed bag but let us all remember where we want to be - on the side of hope, peace, joy and love.   We can never get enough of Christmas and we need it right now. 

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