We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Don't be an Ostrich

Don't just bury yourself.  
Holy Redeemer is a centre for Catholic worship in Bangkok, run by the Redemptorists who are the most successful male clerical religious congregation in the country.   Successful?  Hmm!!!

The Brothers taught me at school that life was about being perfect, successful and in control. I long ago learnt that none of these worked.  They really did not define or help deal with life at all.  Instead these themes held me back for I have never been perfect, have been only somewhat successful at times and hardly ever in control.

Back to the Redemptorists.  They may be seen as successful but, in this crisis, they are showing  up all the dysfunctional life themes of control, perfection and success as the traps they are for us little, fragile human beings.  Yes, they may keep running the show as if nothing ever happened.  That may make them appear to be stronger and better in the church market place but what they are doing is acting destructively against good and healthy solidarity in church and society.  What is a key for life in this time of world crisis is that we all stand in solidarity and act responsibly.  This is so at anytime but is shown up to be more so true in a time of crisis. 

We cannot bury ourselves in our own mythology, our own story.  We are ever challenged to get out and be part of the wider story, the reality of humanity.  That is much more so at a time like this, a crisis that shows us up for who we truly are.  So a time like this challenges us to change, to find creative ways of life and love; not just sticking to the old, tired ways; not being driven to be perfect, strong and in control which will never happen.  Extraordinary times like today show us this so clearly.  Time to get out of the tomb.

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