We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, April 6, 2020

Sense of Humour Always.

Pope Francis is ever the great leader when you need a leader.  One of his constant pieces of advice is to keep a sense of humour.  Tango is also good for the soul. 

Humour is about more than a coping strategy; it is the human spirit rising up for good.  It is a sign of living a healthy spirituality. 

This pandemic is about much more than health. 
I follow a Filipino friend who works on the Zaandam, a luxury liner, as he endured the voyage of a life time because nowhere would take in the ship until they finally could dock in Miami after literally going the length of the Latin American coast. 
I hear from a friend elsewhere.  While in lockdown, he was threatened physically by his ex and so sought refuge at a friend's house. 
A good friend loses his father to non COVID-19 causes.  The challenge becomes having a funeral in lockdown times. 
Another friend is saddened by the loss of his long term luncheon companion who succumbed to COVID-19.  Yes, both are older and the outcome could be expected but not the great sadness at his friend's dying in isolation. 
I hear of a younger, healthy Australian male here, dying suddenly in his room from a heart complaint.  The sadness is his aloneness and his family in Australia, being unable to do anything. 

The stories go on.  The humour keeps rising.  Life goes on no matter what, and, in the midst of all, seemingly for many for the better.  We are learning who is in charge, and it is not us.  So spirituality for sure; humour always.   

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