We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Simple human words and actions

Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit

Words matter. Actions matter even more.  Both of these truisms speak loudly to me as I reflect on the past week with the cathedral community and our pastoral activites which centred around the celebration of Confirmation during mass this past Sunday. 

Confirmation is one of the formally instituted seven sacraments in the life of the Church.  I appreciate it is a big word as it is one not generally used.  So what does it mean?  

When studying theology, we were given a simple definition.  A sacrament is a "sign of God's love".  This implies that our whole world is sacrament - creation, the immense universe, people around us loving and struggling for the good of all, a new day; so the list goes on.   A question then arises.  . How is the concept of sacrament valid and visible when violence, destruction and abuse so abound in our world?   

Well, the Church has the answer in its seven specific sacraments celebrated within its midst.  Each has a speciifc purpose and task whici is to assure us once and for all in the midst of our harsh and flawed world that here we meet God, that here we achieve good, that here good is built up, that here God is truly with us.  

The sacraments achieve what they say, putting us in touch with God and God's power here and now.  Amazing!  Using simple human words and actions we connect with the deeper, spiritual reality of our lives and world.  Amazing!  

Simple human words and actions become symbols that take us into the deeper and ultimately real realms of life with God, into a spirituality that sustains us.  They tell us that the human and divine are one through the action of God.  God wants us here.  He is not taking us somewhere else but firmly planting us in it as our companion and guide.   It is here we enter into relationship with God and neighbour, build up our world in solidarity and pursue that spirituality that nourishes us and puts us in touch with what truly matters in life.   Simple human words and actions are able to achieve so much more than we could ever imagine.  Amazing!

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