We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

What can I say?

There is a great book of poetry and verse, written by Edwina Gateley, where she places God in the brothel.  There God sits and watches, being utterly dumbfounded by the brutality of humanity.  How true that is today!  What can I say?  

Maybe I can say something after learning from a Thai friend.  I just visited him on his farm in Isan, up in the northeast of Thailand.  He has worked so hard to turn his little piece of land into his farm.  More importantly, he has worked so hard to live his dream.  I have now seen what he has created.  He did it.  His dream is now a reality.  

So after visiting my friend, what can I say?  The sky is the limit.   Humanity can achieve if we choose and are determined to do so.  Edwina Gateley puts it another way. 
The deeper we enter into the journey, the bigger God becomes -- until we reach the stage where we no longer have any names or definitions for God. God is. We can only stand in awe before God's amazing love... God's love is far beyond our comprehension. We cannot even begin to sound the depth and breadth of this love for each single one of us and for all of creation. It is a love that takes precedence over all else, and must be fundamental to our call as Christians. This, I believe, was the message of Jesus and one which, clearly, we seem to be having a hard time embracing. 

How true!  We are capable of so much more.  We can do so much better as a human race and as human individuals.  We just have to believe in humanity, in ourselves, and not be driven by a world seemingly overcome by greed, conflict and abuse.  We can say so much more.    


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