We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, March 11, 2024

Control doesn't work

We are mid-way through Lent and I hope I am learning something about life and me.  If I may be bold enough to venture an insight from my own journey into the desert this Lent, I am ever re-affirmed in a key life motif - control does not work.  Truth is there is only one person in control, and that is God, who has her own ways of keeping the show going, despite whatever we may do.  Thank God.  

Knowing who is in charge reassures me, as life then, in no way, depends on me.  Thank God, yet again.  

Last week, I participated in an international gathering of church partners, working on opposing human trafficking.  When I first walked in the room, I saw how few were there, but then I was immediately struck by their diversity and strength.  Each person represented a different country and each one was so strong.  So here was a group not to be misjudged or underestimated.  Control doesn't work.  

I have a simple encounter on the bus, on the way to work.  The conductor, a more mature woman, and I have a dispute over my fare.  I get the bus every day and I know how much I pay, which is what I paid her.  She continues the dispute, all spoken in Thai.  I am amazed at how much Thai I can speak. She eventually turns, telling me she knows who I am (after all I am a regular).  Her turning statement was how she would like to learn English and that her sister lives in Denmark.  She likes farang men and asks my name and where I live.  This is both funny and very uncomfortable.  We are friendly and that is good, but I am no longer in control, not knowing where this will go.  I am very  happy to get off the bus, while encouraging her all the way as a good and strong woman, who is smart.  

Control doesn't work, but be ever smart and friendly.  They work.  

 ; diversity and strength do.  

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