We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Life is hectic

On many fronts, this week has been very hectic.  It has been full of all sorts of activity.  In the midst of it all, I just keep to my working motto - Do what you can.  I really can't fix or control everything.  As my week developed and responsibilities (not so much the tasks) mounted, I can see need for a more personal, underlying motto - Take care of Number 1!  That is a line from my great mate, Ray, and how true!  As he will say - no one else will. 

This week is but a sign of things to come, or that is my take as I have begun in a new role at Caritas Thailand - Executive Director of NCCM (National Catholic Commission for Migration).  It is a big ask for me as it takes on demanding and challenging responsibilities.  Why did I take it on when there were good reasons not to? 

Firstly, I can't just say "No" to such requests as one can't be too protective of oneself and simply deny a call to take up further responsibilities.  That would seem to go against the whole philosophy of Christian mission and service.  Then there is a good friend who has worked in this area here and his advice was that I would be good for the task and make a good contribution.  So why not take it up, even if reluctantly? 

I must say that I hate the title.  So personally, I am cutting out the Executive part as it all sounds too much.  On a more serous level, I see already how the task takes its toll on me as by the end of the week I found myself getting irritable with different ones and their requests or actions.  This is not good.  What is this a sign of?  I am simply human and doing my best.  So why worry?  Or is it about how I always wish to do my best when with others, nearly be perfect all the time.  This is not a healthy way to proceed for no other reason that I am only human and this is not possible.  What I also see is that maybe the irritableness is my personal business and I deal with it.   What is happening through it is that I am being more assertive and expressing my opinion as I have less time just to be nice.  So why not?  Well, I don't want to become someone else.

That is it!  In all, be true to self.  Be who I am and not what I become because of some role or task.  Don't let outside forces, tasks determine who I am in the world or allow them to make me other than who I am.  I determine who I want to be and that is it. 

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