We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Monday, April 10, 2023

A bad night at an inn.

St Augustine appreciated the struggle of life, describing life as being like "a bad night at an inn".  How poignant!  How earthy! 

Having shared this insight, Augustine would be the first to acknowledge the essential goodness of creation.  It is like we are caught in the midst of life long dilemma.  Immersed in the love of God, life is good.  At the same time, we do not live in some fantasy world, which knows only sweetness and niceness.  Rather, we know only too well the reality of evil and suffering.   We may ask ourselves, what is going on?  

Let's take a look at life, through the lens of everyday reality.  Life is not just about me.  I am not the centre of the universe.  I do matter but, just as importantly; others matter, all others matter.  I live in relationship with the rest of humanity.  I am not in life alone.  We are in it together.  The deeper reality of life takes us into encountering the mystery of life.  To make sense of existence, we are much more than just what we see and touch, much more than our narrow world experience.  We go much deeper.  

Human existence is based on the mystery of a God seeking communion with his creation.  Humanity is called into communion with God and each other.  

Our senses, our experience of life take us into this deeper reality.  There we encounter who we truly are.  So we can make sense of life and why we keep going, no matter what comes our way.  Life is worth whatever we suffer, whatever evil we encounter along the way, for life is not defined by hardship and heartache.  Essentially, it is defined by gift, opportunity, possibility, vision; by the love of God who is creating us every moment. 

This deeper reality shows us the resurrection is real.  It is known and tasted through our living life in love and in communion with God and humanity, as best we can.  Within that inn, to which Augustine refers, we keep striving to live and love, in faith.    Within that inn, hope is real and ever alive.  

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