We gather

We gather
to give thanks for my 25 years.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Lest we forget


Hellfire Pass on Japanese Thai-Burma Railway

Emmaus Reflection
As we know and recall the love of those nearest and dearest to us,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As we give gratitude for the love and friendship of others, that have made us who we are,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As close friends reach out to us, as we reach out to others, in love and in responding to their need,
-were not our hearts burning within us? 
As we succeed and fail in life, ever continuing the journey,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As we celebrate life together,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As we see young babies smile and cry. and watch children grow and mature,
-were not our hearts burning within us? 
As friends and loved ones die,
-were not our hearts burning within us? 
As we watch people suffer endlessly and needlessly in senseless wars and conflicts,
-were not our hearts burning within us? 
As we breathe the air around us, filthy and heavy,
-were not our hearts burning within us?  
As we savor the achievements of humanity and cry over our foolishness,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As we know suffering, sorrow and isolation, and see others excluded and marginalized,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As we stand in human solidarity, as we be church together,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As we experience and know the Spirit working in our lives and midst,
-were not our hearts burning within us?
As we know the friendship and intimacy of the risen Jesus, our constant friend and companion -were not our hearts burning within us? 
Do we not recognize him in the breaking of the bread?  

ANZAC Day 2023

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